If you’re looking for something really special; this sweet bouquet offers instant happiness! Pink roses are used to convey gentle emotions such as admiration, happiness, and care.
This hand bouquet of 35 pink roses is a beautiful bouquet with long stems and large cup-shaped buds. Wrapped in visually stunning paper, and comes with a complementary card to hold your personal message. Knowing that fresh flowers have strong effects on the room’s energy, the mind, and the body; our expert florists only use the freshest flowers that are in excellent condition for each floral design.
Pink roses are very impressive and sophisticated flowers. Celebrate any occasion with pink flowers! Choose to be the joy in someone’s life and send them 35 pink roses to celebrate a milestone, such as graduation, anniversary, or settling in a new home! This gentle bouquet captures attention and evokes admiration the moment its delivered. You'll leave a lasting impression with this combination of color and freshness.
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