The ‘Youthful Yellow’ hand-bouquet is associated with friendship and cheer due to its vibrant color. These bright blooms represent a thoughtful gift that will leave them smiling, whatever the occasion. Fill someone’s day with sunshine by sending these joyful 35 yellow roses.
Floriography, also known as the language of flowers, was all the rage in the Victorian era. Gifting someone flowers was never just a gift — each flower had a meaning that was used to convey how they really felt. Not only was the manner of delivery and style of arrangement meaningful, but the type and color of the flowers were meaningful too. The yellow roses burst with happiness. They have been associated with the sun and its life-giving warmth since a long time ago. They symbolize the bonds of friendship, optimism, the taste of success, and pride. Sending yellow roses to a friend is a lighthearted and kind way to show them you were thinking of them.